+351 224 934 857 PT
(Chamada para rede fixa nacional)
+34 654 259 207 ES
(Chamada para rede móvel internacional)
My iPark
Logged in as agency

Login My iPark

Information about operation changes due to COVID-19
Information about operation changes due to COVID-19
Identification as normal user
Enter your email and password to log in
Register as a new user
Have you forgotten your password?
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Cannot log in
The user name or password that you have provided could not log in with any of our registered users.
Log in successful
Welcome, [usuario]
Identification as agency
Log in data
Missing an agency access? You can ask us about it through our email info@aparcamentoaeroporto.com and we will come back to you very soon.
Have you forgotten your password?
Recover password
To recover your password, please enter your email in the following field:
Wait a little bit
Recover password
If the email address is registered in our system, it will receive a message in the inbox with instructions to recover the password.